Tempe activities

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Age Group

STEM | High school & up

Zone C: Tempe | Wexler Hall (WXLR) | 116

STEM | Middle school

Zone C: Tempe | Wexler Hall (WXLR) | North Patio of Wexler Hall

STEM | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Wexler Hall (WXLR) | North Patio of Wexler Hall

STEM | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Wexler Hall (WXLR) | North patio of Wexler Hall

STEM | Elementary school & under

Zone C: Tempe | Wexler Hall (WXLR) | 118

Humanities | High school & up

Special start times: 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.

Zone B: Tempe | Piper Writers House (PWH) | Reading Room and Classroom

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 263

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 265

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230

Campus Life | High school & up

Special start times: 8:30a.m. Check-in, 9:00a.m. University Information Session, 9:30a.m. – 10:30a.m. Student led Campus Tour

Zone B: Tempe | Memorial Union (MU) | Patio

Innovation | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center F (ECF) | ECF Room 102

Arts | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Courtyard

Arts | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Courtyard

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

Campus Life | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Lawn

Campus Life | All ages

Special start times: Sun Devil Classic Day 3 Feb 24, 2024 6:30 PM MST Alberta B. Farrington Softball Stadium - 510 S Athletes Pl, Tempe, AZ 85201

Zone C: Tempe | Desert Financial Arena (DFA) | Alberta B. Farrington Softball Stadium 510 S Athletes Pl, Tempe, AZ 85201

Business | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | McCord Hall (MCRD)

Business | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | McCord Hall (MCRD)

Business | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | McCord Hall (MCRD)

Health and Wellness | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR)

Health and Wellness | Elementary school & under

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR)

Health and Wellness | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR)

Health and Wellness | High school & up

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR)

Health and Wellness | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR)

Campus Life | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN)

STEM | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Memorial Union (MU) | MU 178

Arts | Elementary school & under

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | Durham Hall Patio

Innovation | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Creativity Commons (CRTVC) | Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | High school & up

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | Elementary school & under

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign C Patio Area

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg C (BDC) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | Elementary school & under

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | High school & up

Special start times: Schedule: Shows will start every 20 minutes and last about 30 minutes. We will host guests in a first-come-first-serve basis.

Zone C: Tempe | Creativity Commons (CRTVC) | Rooms 118 & 128 (DSL Pods 3 & 4), downstairs by wooden check-in table

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Goldwater Center For Science & Engineering (GWC) | GWC lobby 1st floor and outside SE doors of GWC

Campus Life | All ages

Special start times: 3:00-3:30pm, 3:30-4:00pm, 4:00-4:30pm, 4:30-5:00pm

Zone C: Tempe | Sun Devil Fitness Complex (SDFCT) | Sun Devil Fitness Complex Fields

Interdisciplinary Studies | Elementary school & under

Zone A: Tempe | Hayden Library (LIB) | West Patio

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio

STEM | Elementary school & under

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Lawn

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG)

STEM | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center F (ECF) | ECF espaces

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center B (ECB) | ECB 148 Lab

STEM | Elementary school & under

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

STEM | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio

Campus Life | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Lawn

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Creativity Commons (CRTVC) | Lobby

Sustainability | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)

Sustainability | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG North Patio

Humanities | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Lawn outside Coor

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center Annex (ECANX) | ECG Complex

Humanities | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN)

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Research Center (ENGRC) | ERC 334

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Tyler Mall Cantina (TYLER) | n/a

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium

Science | Elementary school & under

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

STEM | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | n/a

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | Mall

Engineering and Technology | High school & up

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio

Architecture and Construction | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio

Health and Wellness | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Research Center (ENGRC) | ‌Building Lobby

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology North (PSYN) | PSYN 103

Engineering and Technology | Elementary school & under

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG)

Engineering and Technology | Elementary school & under

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

STEM | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio between ECG and ECF

Arts | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Plaza

Humanities | All ages

Special start times: 1 PM, 1:30 PM, 2 PM, 2:30 PM, 3 PM, 3:30 PM, 4 PM, 4:30 PM

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 103

Innovation | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium

STEM | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex

Humanities | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 105

Arts | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Lawn

Arts | Elementary school & under

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Lawn

Arts | Elementary school & under

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 108

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | Mall

STEM | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Tyler Mall Cantina (TYLER) | Tyler Mall (between ECG and ERC)

Sustainability | Elementary school & under

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | Mall

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Tyler Mall Cantina (TYLER)

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | Elementary school & under

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby

Sustainability | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Mechanical tree - Intersection of E Tyler St. and E Krueger St.

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | CNCE Laboratory - Room 142

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)

Engineering and Technology | High school & up

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Research Center (ENGRC) | 516

STEM | High school & up

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | n/a

STEM | Elementary school & under

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center F (ECF) | ECF 120/122 E-Spaces

Science | Middle school

Special start times: 1:15 p.m., 2:15 p.m., 3:15 p.m., 4:15 p.m (subject to change)

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | 185

Science | Middle school

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | NE Corner

Arts | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Plaza

Arts | Elementary school & under

Zone A: Tempe | Art Building (ART) | 232

Arts | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Neeb Plaza

Arts | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Plaza

Arts | High school & up

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Neeb Plaza

Campus Life | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Tyler Mall Cantina (TYLER) | Tyler Mall

Engineering and Technology | Elementary school & under

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center F (ECF) | Engineering Center F

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio

Engineering and Technology | Elementary school & under

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex, ECG Patio

Social and Behavioral Sciences | Middle school

Zone A: Tempe | Discovery Hall (DISCVRY) | 281

Science | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Life Sciences Center A (LSA) | LSA 175

Science | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Life Sciences Center A (LSA) | LSA Atrium

Science | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Life Sciences Center A (LSA) | LSA 175

Arts | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Design South (CDS) | Design South Gallery

Science | High school & up

Zone B: Tempe | Life Sciences Center C (LSC) | LSC Atrium

Law, Justice and Public Service | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | COOR East Patio

Law, Justice and Public Service | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | COOR East Patio

Law, Justice and Public Service | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | COOR East Patio

Science | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | Bateman PS-F Entryway (South side)

Social and Behavioral Sciences | High school & up

Zone A: Tempe | Stauffer Communication Arts A (STAUF) | Building Patio

Social and Behavioral Sciences | Middle school

Zone A: Tempe | Stauffer Communication Arts A (STAUF) | Building Patio

Science | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Coor Hall Main Floor Patio

Science | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Coor Hall Main Floor Patio

Science | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Coor Hall Main Floor Patio

Science | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Coor Hall Main Floor Patio

Social and Behavioral Sciences | Elementary school & under

Zone A: Tempe | Stauffer Communication Arts A (STAUF) | Courtyard in front of Stauffer Building

Science | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Coor Hall Main Floor Patio

Interdisciplinary Studies | Elementary school & under

Zone D: Tempe | Armstrong Hall (ARM) | 1st floor Rotunda

Humanities | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Old Main Lawn

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | Building Patio

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone B: Tempe | Social Sciences Bldg. (SS) | Atrium in Social Sciences Building

Arts | All ages

Special start times: 1:00p.m., 2:00p.m., 3:00p.m., 4:00p.m.

Zone A: Tempe | Stauffer Communication Arts B (STAUF) | B123

STEM | Elementary school & under

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Marston Education Gallery for Human Origins #200L2

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC)

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC)

Health and Wellness | Elementary school & under

Zone A: Tempe | School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC)

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Zone A: Tempe | School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC) | SHESC 104

Science | All ages

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB)

Area of Interest
Search by Area of Interest and Age Group, or by Location
Age Group



Arts | All ages


Zone A: Tempe | Wilson Hall (WILSN) | 111


Math is Changing the World

STEM | High school & up

Math research is changing the world – to fight the spread of malaria, find improved treatments for prostate cancer, or predict how air conditioning will continue to increase…

Zone C: Tempe | Wexler Hall (WXLR) | 116


Codes, Ciphers and Secret Messages

STEM | Middle school

Codes and ciphers have been used for centuries by militaries and governments for secret communication and are now commonly used to protect all your secret and personal…

Zone C: Tempe | Wexler Hall (WXLR) | North Patio of Wexler Hall


Rep-tiling and Trominos

STEM | All ages

Do you like solving puzzles? Using L-shaped tiles called trominos, explore the challenge if all the squares on a chessboard can be covered after a single square is removed.…

Zone C: Tempe | Wexler Hall (WXLR) | North Patio of Wexler Hall


Can the Math Mind Reader Read Your Mind?

STEM | All ages

Our world-famous Math Mind Reader is a master of minds, lord of logarithms, prince of primes – and they can read your mind. That’s right, Math Mind Reader can accurately…

Zone C: Tempe | Wexler Hall (WXLR) | North patio of Wexler Hall


Paper plates, Tetrahedrons and Balloons — Oh, My!

STEM | Elementary school & under

Geometric sculptures demonstrate math is a living, creative, joyful subject. Use colorful gumdrops and toothpicks to construct your own tetrahedron. Connect paper plates to…

Zone C: Tempe | Wexler Hall (WXLR) | 118


Typewriter Poets

Humanities | High school & up

Visit the Piper Writers House, learn some of its history, offerings, and receive a personalized poem! Wielding vintage typewriters, our Typewriter Poets will write…

Special start times: 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.

Zone B: Tempe | Piper Writers House (PWH) | Reading Room and Classroom


Prize Wheel & Optical Illusions

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Spin the Prize Wheel for some neat prizes and Psychology treats, and see more optical illusions

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 263


Color, Light, Patterns - oh my!

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Optical Illusions are patterns that alter our visual perception. Join us for some fun demos!

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 265


Learning Engineering Institute

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Join us for some fun demos and elementary school games

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230


Get Psyched for Life

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Learn about the digital toolkit for enhanced well-being

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230


AZ Twin Project

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Join us for the Cold water challenge (put their hands and arms into ice-cold water to test their acute pain tolerance), Twin matching game (match both identical and fraternal…

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230



Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Make rave candy with the B.E.A.R. Lab, and learn about psychedelic research and neuroscience. The B.E.A.R. Lab studies the interplay between our genes, our environment, and…

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230


Brains, Brains, and more Brains

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Join us for a neuroscience demonstration and touch live brains

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230


Learning & Development Lab

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Children's games, activities, study demos that show children how to be scientists and how to participate in science

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230


Neuroscience is Fun!

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Neuroscience demonstration from the Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology area showcasing innovative tools and experimental methods in studying the brain and…

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology Building (PSY) | 230


Experience ASU

Campus Life | High school & up

Join an in-person admission presentation followed by a student-led guided tour of campus for you and up to two guests. Pre-registration is required at…

Special start times: 8:30a.m. Check-in, 9:00a.m. University Information Session, 9:30a.m. – 10:30a.m. Student led Campus Tour

Zone B: Tempe | Memorial Union (MU) | Patio


The Luminosity Lab

Innovation | All ages

The Luminosity Lab is going to host an ideation workshop and art session around innovation to cater to multiple age groups and expose them to our unique research model,…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center F (ECF) | ECF Room 102


Sidney Poitier New American Film School Trivia Table

Arts | All ages

Learn how to produce the illusion of movement by drawing and displaying a sequence of pictures

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Courtyard


ASU Art Museum Tabling

Arts | All ages

ASU art museum will be hosting a table with brochures, resources and engagement activities.

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Courtyard


Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) Meet & Greet Booth

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Join us at the GDSC Meet & Greet Booth to explore the exciting projects we developed in our club workshops. It'll be an opportunity to interact with our club…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


Artifacts and More! With the ASU Natural History Collection

Science | All ages

The ASU Natural History Collections are one of the fastest-growing collections in the nation, with millions of specimens of plants, fish, birds, animals, insects, and…

Zone B: Tempe | Life Sciences Center C (LSC) | LSC 202


Sun Devil Rewards

Campus Life | All ages

Become the ultimate insider on all things ASU! Learn how to earn Pitchforks, redeem exclusive rewards in our catalog and how to stay in the know with Sun Devil Rewards!

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Lawn


Life in the Drylands

Science | All ages

Join the Global Drylands Center to learn more about the life that surrounds us in the desert! Find out about the interesting and unique ways we can interact with the plants…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)


ASU Open Door Special Offers for Sun Devil Athletics

Campus Life | All ages

https://fevo-enterprise.com/Asuopendoor Sun Devil Athletics is excited to participate in ASU Open Door Day! We are…

Special start times: Sun Devil Classic Day 3 Feb 24, 2024 6:30 PM MST Alberta B. Farrington Softball Stadium - 510 S Athletes Pl, Tempe, AZ 85201

Zone C: Tempe | Desert Financial Arena (DFA) | Alberta B. Farrington Softball Stadium 510 S Athletes Pl, Tempe, AZ 85201


Photo Booth

Business | All ages

Say cheese! Stop by for a W. P. Carey photo op with friends and family.

Zone B: Tempe | McCord Hall (MCRD)


Mini Business Games

Business | All ages

With mini business games, you will have the opportunity to explore what it means to be a W. P. Carey student whatever your age and interest.

Zone B: Tempe | McCord Hall (MCRD)


Launching Lemonade

Business | All ages

Easy, Peasy, Lemon Squeezy! Join us to explore various aspects of a business that are needed to launch a lemonade stand.

Zone B: Tempe | McCord Hall (MCRD)


Simulated Hearing Loss Activity

Health and Wellness | All ages

Experience empathy and understanding with our simulated hearing loss demonstration, suitable for all ages! Step into the shoes of those facing hearing challenges through this…

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR)


Language and Literacy

Health and Wellness | Elementary school & under

Calling all little adventurers! Dive into the world of fun with our exciting language and literacy activity designed just for you. Spark your imagination, explore new words,…

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR)


Speech-Language Pathology Trivia

Health and Wellness | All ages

Step into the world of communication with our "Scope of SLP Practice" trivia game! It's a fun and engaging way to learn about Speech-Language Pathology, (SLP…

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR)


Voice and Swallowing table

Health and Wellness | High school & up

Indulge your curiosity at our Voice and Swallowing table. Witness a live demonstration of a Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) exam—a unique opportunity to…

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR)


Speech and Hearing Skills Test

Health and Wellness | All ages

Calling all ages! Join us for a day of well-being and discovery. Engage in our balance/falls risk activity, take a quick and easy 15-minute hearing screening to ensure your…

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR)


Ways to Stay Safe on and off Campus

Campus Life | All ages

The Arizona State University Police Department is committed to the safety of ASU students, faculty and staff. Our mission is to foster a safe, community-centered environment…

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN)


Create Garden Kits

STEM | All ages

What is Garden Kit Making? Garden Kit Making is a hands-on activity where we will assemble gardening kits that include all the essential tools and materials needed to start a…

Zone B: Tempe | Memorial Union (MU) | MU 178


"Cuenta Cuentos" - Story Telling

Arts | Elementary school & under

Open up your world to new stories told in Spanish, along with taking your picture with a "Torero" and a "Bailarina Española."

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | Durham Hall Patio


The Collective

Innovation | All ages

Head to the Creativity Commons for a glance at the future of emerging and creative technologies! Swing by the Zoom Innovation Lab for digital portraits and tours, dabble with…

Zone C: Tempe | Creativity Commons (CRTVC) | Lobby


Open the Door to Your Inner Artista!

Arts | All ages

Come explore and learn about the Hispanic Research Center and all its initiatives. Learn about our Chicano art collection and be an artist for the day! We’ll have a coloring…

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Old Main Lawn


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Student Branch at ASU

Engineering and Technology | All ages

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) Student Branch at ASU is a professional electrical engineering organization that connects students with…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


Gallery of Scientific Exploration

Science | All ages

The Gallery of Scientific Exploration showcases ASU's research of our dynamic earth and way beyond! The Marston Exploration Theater will feature 3D presentations during…

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4)


Geoscience Education Research

Science | All ages

Showcasing stream tables that demonstrate the dynamic nature of a river within a watershed.

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4)


Center for Education Through eXploration (ETX)

Science | All ages

Immersive, interactive virtual tours revolving around geoscience education.

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF)


NASA Psyche Mission: Journey to a Metal World

Science | All ages

We will be testing out capstone web-based games and Augmented Reality (AR) experiences and have other hands - on activities for all ages.

Zone B: Tempe | Sun Devil Hall (SDH) | North side doors



Science | All ages

We will be showing launch footage taken by our gopro 360, past payloads that attendees can touch and look at, and a small demonstration of our temp sensor.

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4)


Cosmology Research Group

Science | All ages

We will have a virtual, interactive webpage of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, large posters of James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) images, and touchable 3D print of a JWST image…

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4)


ASU Space Works / NASA L'SPACE Program

Science | All ages

How Fast Can You Fix the Rocket?

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4)


Low-frequency Cosmology Group

Science | All ages

Posters, CHART (big horn antenna), Drone, FM radios, Bookmarks, Live Low-frequency Ski Video

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4)


Stars and Exoplanets Research Group

Science | All ages

Our first demonstration illustrates how the transit detection method works using a flashlight and a moving planet. In the second demonstration, participants can see spectral…

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4)


NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Science Operations Center

Science | All ages

New Moon images throughout the lobby, open visitor gallery w/Moon rock, 3D image viewing, 3D puzzles, scavenger hunt for Moon data, draw your own mission patch.

Zone A: Tempe | Interdisciplinary A (INTDSA)


Be a Gastronaut!

Science | All ages

An interactive tunnel comprising the small intestine through which the kiddos can travel and observe different cell types involved in immunological regulation and digestion…

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Drawing with Colorful Bacteria and Watching Bacteria Swim

Science | All ages

The first activity will involve our lab providing a plate of bacteria colonies with fluorescent genes that make them colorful. Participants will be able to streak new plates…

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Capturing Cancer with Music

Science | All ages

Upload a musical piece in MusicXML format and hear how cancer evolves within the music.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Genomic Sequencing in Your Pocket

Science | High school & up

Display information on a computer and the device.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Body's Defensive Forces

Science | All ages

Microscope viewing, Lego model puzzles and ball throwing activity.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Coronaviruses, Killing Cancer with Viruses and Building a Helpful Virus

Science | All ages

Coronaviruses: Explore viruses in a safe friendly display for all age levels. Look at cells and virus infected cells on microscopes. Watch short videos showing cells during…

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Strawberry DNA Extraction and Cell Crafting

Science | All ages

For the strawberry DNA extraction, participants will be able to harvest DNA from a strawberry using a few simple supplies. Chemicals will be handled only by lab members who…

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Mysteries of the Molecular World: Biotech Visualization

Science | All ages

3D and immersive visualization and interaction with molecules

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Evolve Yourself

Science | Elementary school & under

Evolve an image of yourself from simple shapes by combining technology and nature!

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign C Patio Area


Hydrothermal Organic Geology (HOG)

Science | All ages

Chemistry demonstrations related to organic chemistry and solar system exploration.

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4)


FORCE: (Facility for Open Research in a Compressed Environment)

Science | All ages

Slideshows, videos, educational activities, and swag handouts.

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4)


Photosynthetic Electron Transport Race

Science | Elementary school & under

Obstacle course of photosynthesis!

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg C (BDC) | Biodesign C Patio Area


Viruses: Here, There, Everywhere

Science | All ages

Our lab (the Varsani Lab) will host a few activities between two tables. At the first table, we will have a large coloring page depicting viral ecology. We will also have 3D-…

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


LEGO Virome Search

Science | All ages

Try your hand at finding LEGO viruses in a "sample".

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


We've Got Your Bac!

Science | All ages

We will make bacteria with yarn using glue guns and display panels to educate the public about the gut microbiome.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Biomarker Discovery: 3 Activities (Gateway Cloning, Like Lock and Key AB/AG interaction to Detect Cancer, Biomarker Signatures Health vs Cancer - An Approach to Early Cancer Detection

Science | All ages

Principles and Tools for Biomarker Discovery for early Detection and Monitoring of Infection and Cancers

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby



Science | All ages

Introduce Coronavirus, show plaque assay, virion model

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Wideman”s Spectacular Eukaryotic-Emporium

Science | All ages

The wonky world of complex microbes: An interactive introduction to the eukaryotic microcosm.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Change Over Time

Science | All ages

Biology changes over various timescales. We provide examples of descent with modification, sampling error with M&Ms, and the development of microcrustaceans!

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Sustainable Macromolecular Materials and Manufacturing Lab Tour - Leading Research in Polymer Innovations

Science | High school & up

Come and tour the Sustainable Macromolecular Materials and Manufacturing (SM3) labs. Labs that are engaged in polymer research and 3D printing!

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg C (BDC) | Biodesign C Lobby


Mirror Maze

Science | All ages

Lasers are an integral part of modern science experiments and require very precise control of the laser. We will show participants the job of a laser scientist in this hands-…

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg C (BDC) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Exploring Plasma Balls

Science | All ages

Electrons are tiny, charged particles that surround all atoms which make up everything in the universe! In the Beus laboratory, we free electrons from their home in atoms and…

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Neuroscience is for Everyone!

Science | All ages

Neuroscience-themed games, crafts, and demonstrations activities for all age groups, hosted by a mix of neuroscientists of all career stages and backgrounds!

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Lyme Disease

Science | All ages

Come check out our activity where you can color activity pages and look at our display/pamphlet info

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Fantastic Silk Foams!

Science | Elementary school & under

Visitors will learn about silk-based biomaterials and participate in a demonstration to make silk fibroin expanding foam hydrogels.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Visualizing Molecular Apparatus Using Electron Imaging

Science | All ages

Come check out our activity where we will showcase a poster to introduce Cryogenic Electron Microscopy, (cryo-EM) method for structural biology.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby



Science | All ages

Show how to work with viruses!

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Microscope Visualization of Microfluidic Chips

Science | All ages

Folks of all ages can look into a microscope at very small 3D printed scientific devices and demos.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Research Plus Me: Research Trivia!

Science | All ages

Research Plus Me is ASU's new research study discovery portal. To encourage exploration of the portal, we will do a "Research Trivia" game. Open Door attendees…

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Mindful Bubble Breathing with Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College

Health and Wellness | All ages

Practice self-regulatory and de-stressing with bubble breathing with Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College's Wellness Coach. This activity promotes mindfulness and self-…

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN)


Dreamscape Learn

Science | High school & up

Dreamscape Learn (DSL) is a collaborative venture between Dreamscape Immersive and Arizona State University, merging the most advanced pedagogy with the entertainment…

Special start times: Schedule: Shows will start every 20 minutes and last about 30 minutes. We will host guests in a first-come-first-serve basis.

Zone C: Tempe | Creativity Commons (CRTVC) | Rooms 118 & 128 (DSL Pods 3 & 4), downstairs by wooden check-in table


Learn from Nature! Experiments in Biogeotechnical Engineering

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Mother Nature is Earth’s greatest design engineer and the researchers at the Center for Bio-mediated & Bio-inspired Geotechnics (CBBG) are following in her steps. Come…

Zone C: Tempe | Goldwater Center For Science & Engineering (GWC) | GWC lobby 1st floor and outside SE doors of GWC


Learn a Sport!

Campus Life | All ages

This activity will focus on teaching kids how to play different sports that might peak their interests. We we have a few different sports showcased by members of our Sport…

Special start times: 3:00-3:30pm, 3:30-4:00pm, 4:00-4:30pm, 4:30-5:00pm

Zone C: Tempe | Sun Devil Fitness Complex (SDFCT) | Sun Devil Fitness Complex Fields


Vietnamese Bookmark Making and "Tone Twister"

Arts | All ages

Make your own bookmark with your name written in Vietnamese and try some “tone twisters.” Tones are not as scary as it sounds!

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 107


Join ASU Library on a Journey to Success

Interdisciplinary Studies | Elementary school & under

Join us for a craft and a resource fair. When you open the door to one of our ASU Library locations you can choose your own adventure or take a journey to the future you.…

Zone A: Tempe | Hayden Library (LIB) | West Patio


Do NOT STOP or PASS GO Through These Membranes!

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Did you know that a living organism's cell membrane regulates the transport of materials entering and leaving the cell? Similarly, the membranes used to treat water can…

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4)


Shoot the Soda

Engineering and Technology | All ages

"Step up to 'Shoot the Soda' – our thrilling bottle shooting game! Join the excitement with our Soda Club. Aim, shoot, and have a blast!"

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio


Picture Yourself in a STEM Career

STEM | Elementary school & under

What do you want to be when you grow up? ASU Prep can help you picture yourself in a STEM career with Augmented Reality (AR) selfie options like Robotics, Biologist,…

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Lawn


Sun Devil Satellite Laboratory Showcase

Engineering and Technology | All ages

We will be holding a showcase to display the completed and ongoing satellite projects in the Sun Devil Satellite Laboratory, (SDSL).

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


Smoke Flow Visualization

Engineering and Technology | All ages

A simple wind tunnel experiment using smoke flow visualization around various objects is demonstrated. Through this activity, one can visually see the concept of streamline…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG)


Build a Catapult

STEM | All ages

Building catapults with various materials like popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and spoons.

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center F (ECF) | ECF espaces


Matching Games with the American Indian Science and Engineering Society Chapter

STEM | All ages

We invite all parties attending the Open Door event at the ASU Tempe Campus to join in playing various Matching Games with the American Indian Science and Engineering Society…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


How do You Want to Make Your Impact?

STEM | High school & up

Join us in shaping tomorrow, today! Here at the College of Global Futures discover how you can make your positive impact on the planet while also learning the career…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)


Women in Computer Science Spring Welcome!

Engineering and Technology | All ages

We will be presenting Women in Computer Science (WiCS) and what we do as a club as well as what we have to offer.

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG)


Korean Games, Costumes and Calligraphy

Arts | All ages

Have you ever played a traditional Korean children's game? If not, then this is your chance! Along with games, you can try on traditional costumes and learn how to write…

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | SILC Cafe


BioMedical Engineering Society Trivia Game

Engineering and Technology | All ages

The BioMedical Engineering Society (BMES) is a professional and social club for ASU students who are interested in learning more about Biomedical Engineering (BME) and…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Showcase

Engineering and Technology | All ages

The Enterprise Technology Artificial Intelligence (AI) Acceleration team will show some examples of the generative AI-enabled products that the team is developing and testing…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center B (ECB) | ECB 148 Lab


Build a Catapult

STEM | Elementary school & under

Kids will be provided with popsicle sticks, rubber bands, spoons, and soft projectiles in order to assemble their own catapult. They'll be able to test it on the spot…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


SASE Hand Boiling Magic! (Heat Transfer)

STEM | All ages

👋 Hands-On Exploration: Get ready to engage with science in a whole new way! Hold the Hand Boiler, feel the magic, and experience energy transfer firsthand. It's a…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


IISE Exhibit

Engineering and Technology | All ages

We want to show the guests what Industrial Engineers do in real life.

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio


The Best of Both Worlds with Barrett, The Honors College!

Campus Life | All ages

Barrett, the Honors College is a community of scholars at all four of ASU’s metropolitan Phoenix area campuses. Our unique honors curriculum and honors-only benefits provide…

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Lawn


ASU Enterprise Technology ChatBot

Engineering and Technology | All ages

The Experience Center is showcasing the latest bot technology that is being utilized for our customer support system in both web and voice modalities. Guests can interact…

Zone C: Tempe | Creativity Commons (CRTVC) | Lobby


Biodiversity in Action

Sustainability | All ages

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes is celebrating 10 years of conservation biology research! One of the Center's central missions is to grow the next generation of…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)


Garden Planning

Sustainability | All ages

Have you wanted to start a garden, but are intimidated by the process? We're here to show you that maintaining a garden is possible and easier than you think! Some…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium


Arabic Fashion Show, Calligraphy and Culture

Arts | All ages

Come take an up close look into Arabic Fashion, learn how to write calligraphy, and learn more about Arabic culture at their information booth!

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 102


Mars Rovers, Arm Missions, and LEGO, Oh My!

Engineering and Technology | All ages

The Sun Devil Robotics Club would like to invite any young minds interested in robotics to come try to maneuver a robotic arm to pick and place pieces or play with our LEGO…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG North Patio


Make a Message in a Bottle

Humanities | All ages

Did you know the earliest message in a bottle was sent by the Greek philosopher, Theophrastus, who was a pupil of Aristotle? Now you do! Stop by the School of Historical,…

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Lawn outside Coor



Engineering and Technology | All ages

Electronics are everywhere making daily life easier and helping to solve complex problems in all areas of life. Join a group of current electrical engineering students to…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center Annex (ECANX) | ECG Complex


Study Language Scientifically - Part I

Humanities | All ages

The study of language will be highlighted in two linguistics activities. First, attendees will grab some candy as they learn about sound formations such as bilabial nasals;…

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN)


Dive Into Sustainable Engineering Marvels!

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Join the Green Research Group's open door for a dive into sustainable engineering marvels! Engage with innovations like carbon capture polymers, biodegradable materials…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Research Center (ENGRC) | ERC 334


Paper Airplane

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Attendees will be able to make a paper airplane using the resources provided. If their plane can fly the indicated distance, they win some swag!

Zone C: Tempe | Tyler Mall Cantina (TYLER) | n/a


Dear Earth, Stop Showing Off, We Know You're Hot!

Sustainability | All ages

Come and visit ANDI, the worlds first indoor-outdoor, breathing, sweating and walking thermal manikin. Or see MARTY, our mobile weather station to find out how it's used…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium


3D/AR Coral Reef Activity

Science | All ages

Have you ever wondered what exploring coral reefs would be like? Dive in with the School of Ocean Futures and the Perry Institute for Ocean Science by putting on 3D glasses…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium


EcoChains: Coral Futures Card Game

Science | Elementary school & under

Play a card game created by School of Ocean Futures faculty that teaches about coral reef ecosystems and their future on our planet.

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium


Construct Electrical Circuits

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Teach kids how to construct an electrical circuit using copper tape and leds.

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


Open Door with Material Advantage

STEM | All ages

Showcase Material Advantage with cool displays based on science and engineering principles

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | n/a


Neuer Lab Plankton Activity

Science | All ages

Dive into the microscopic water world by examining water samples from the nearby canal under a microscope.

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium


Make Paper Wind Chimes with Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

STEM | Elementary school & under

Meet the team at the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). Kids will take a piece of colorful printer paper and turn it into a paper wind chime by folding and…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio


Learn How Microbes are Engineered for Biofuels and Biochemicals Production

Sustainability | All ages

This activity will let participants know about different microbes used in industries and how they are modified in the laboratory for producing biofuels and biochemicals.…

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg C (BDC)


Wonderful World of Algae

Engineering and Technology | All ages

CLEAR water doesn't necessarily mean CLEAN water! Is algae ALWAYS green? Come find out! Look under the microscope and see microorganisms in action!

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | Mall


sunhacks - Binary Bracelets

Engineering and Technology | High school & up

Come by the sunhacks booth to learn how to represent your name in binary (ones and zeros) using beads! We will provide the conversions between alphanumeric/English characters…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio


"Yes" or "No" Design Build Projects

Architecture and Construction | All ages

Find out which of these well-known historical projects were built using the design-build delivery method.

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


Next Level Devils - Open Door

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Next Level Devils is a NASA Challenge oriented Student Organization set to compete in multiple challenges pertaining to creating mechanical tools for astronauts, a…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio


REDX Diagnostics

Health and Wellness | All ages

Pandemics, Infectious diseases, cancers, immune responses, and prescriptions. They all have the need for rapid, point-of-care, accurate, inexpensive, facile detection in…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Research Center (ENGRC) | ‌Building Lobby


Build Rockets with Sun Devil Rocketry

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Come visit the Sun Devil Rocketry (SDR) booth in front of PSYN103 and build and launch air compressor rockets!

Zone D: Tempe | Psychology North (PSYN) | PSYN 103


Build a Marble Run Course

Engineering and Technology | Elementary school & under

Make a marble run course and learn about transportation engineering.

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


Concrete Canoe Display

Engineering and Technology | All ages

See a display of the concrete canoe ASCE uses at competition, and learn about the construction process!

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG)


Concrete Bowling

Engineering and Technology | Elementary school & under

Knock over as many concrete "pins" as you can! Learn all about testing concrete samples, how concrete is made, and how we use it to make a canoe!

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


SEDS Rocketry Rocket Kits

Engineering and Technology | All ages

SEDS Rocketry will host a model rocket-building activity where participants can build and fly their rockets.

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


American Institute of Chemical Engineers - Oobleck Activity

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid that is able to act as both a solid and a liquid. It is non-toxic and is composed of just two components, those being water and cornstarch.…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


Sun Devil Motorsports - Formula SAE Open Door Display

Engineering and Technology | All ages

The Sun Devil Motorsports display showcases two high-performance race cars alongside an immersive racing simulator. This dynamic exhibit blends cutting-edge automotive…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


Explore Mixed Reality with oSTEM

STEM | All ages

Join Out in STEM at ASU exploring various games and exhibits using mixed reality on mobile devices!

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio between ECG and ECF


Design and Arts Trivia Booth

Arts | All ages

Design and Arts Trivia Booth is a fun interactive trivia game with questions related to the different design and arts programs within the Herberger school. Each participant…

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Plaza


The Society for Biomaterials Egg Drop Competition

STEM | All ages

The Society for Biomaterials is hosting an egg drop competition during ASU's Open Door. Come engineer a safe landing and win prizes!

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


Predict Your Win & Paint a Fuller Picture

Innovation | All ages

Can you predict the outcomes of your decisions? Or act to change an expected outcome to one you prefer? In everyday life, some situations prompt straightforward responses…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium


Step Into German Through Virtual Reality

Arts | All ages

Put on a VR set and immerse yourself in German. Travel through the Goethestraße and meet the Kramer family. You’ll be surprised how much German you already understand!

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 132


World Karaoke

Arts | All ages

Take center stage and sing along to some world karaoke!

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 135


Mini Language Lessons

Humanities | All ages

Come and learn world languages! Every 30 minutes a new language will be introduced.

Special start times: 1 PM, 1:30 PM, 2 PM, 2:30 PM, 3 PM, 3:30 PM, 4 PM, 4:30 PM

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 103


How Does Technology Impact People?

Innovation | All ages

From horseshoes to Artificial Intelligence (AI), every revolutionary invention has changed the course of development and shaped our lives. What sort of influence has…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium


Join SciTech Institute

Innovation | All ages

Join SciTech Institute and learn about dozens of opportunities to further explore STEM across Arizona with the Arizona SciTech Festival. Experience engaging activities such…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)


Japanese Kendama and Calligraphy

Humanities | All ages

Come and play Kendama, a traditional Japanese toy. Also, learn how to write your name in Japanese!

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 109


Portuguese Balões de São João (St. John's Balloons) Workshop

Arts | All ages

Take part in the fun by making your own paper lanterns and learning more about the festival! Festa de São João do Porto is a Portuguese festival where thousands of people…

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 104


Hebrew Calligraphy & Culture

Humanities | All ages

Come learn how to write your name in Hebrew and learn more about Israeli culture through Hebrew materials in their information booth!

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 106


Elephant Toothpaste

STEM | All ages

We are gonna make elephant toothpaste so we can represent a basic chemical reaction.

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex


Learn American Sign Language

Humanities | All ages

An opportunity for children and adults to learn American Sign Language (ASL)!

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 105


Psyche Space...Crafts!

Arts | All ages

To infinity and beyond the classroom! Come utilize your imagination to create various space-themed crafts (bracelets and paper robots) to celebrate and learn about the…

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Lawn


A to Z Professions Coloring Lounge

Arts | Elementary school & under

What do you want to be when you grow up? An astrophysicist? A zoologist? How about a financial analyst? Visit the ASU Graduate College booth during Open Door and select from…

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Lawn


Italian Games for Children

Arts | Elementary school & under

Come learn some traditional Italian children's games! Will they be similar or different to the ones American kids play? Stop by to find out!

Zone B: Tempe | Durham Language & Literature Bldg. (LL) | DH 108


Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Come play with nanoblocks and learn about how tiny nanoparticles can bring huge change to the world of water treatment. Bring a friend and race to see who can clean dirty…

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | Mall


Water Reuse

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Where do you think your drinking water comes from? What happens after you flush the toilet? Come learn about wastewater treatment and reuse. You'll be surprised to…

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | Mall


DIYbio: Explore the World of Synthetic Biology

STEM | All ages

Are you interested in using bacteria to detect toxic metals in the environment? Making meatless meat? Using yeast to produce biofuel? Want to program your very own organism…

Zone C: Tempe | Tyler Mall Cantina (TYLER) | Tyler Mall (between ECG and ERC)


Urine for a Surprise

Sustainability | Elementary school & under

Urine diversion is a sustainable alternative for wastewater treatment. Urine diversion allows for water conservation, nutrient recovery for agriculture, and reduction of…

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | Mall


MobileNEWT: Platform for Development and Assessment of Nano-Based Water Treatment Technologies

Engineering and Technology | All ages

The MobileNEWT (Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment) is a customized enclosed trailer. It is built with a large concession side window for public viewing, interaction,…

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | NE corner of ISTB4 (near bicycle cage)


Topple Tower

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Theta Tau will be hosting a tower building activity for the visitors that stop by our table. Utilizing engineering principles to build a tower from various random materials,…

Zone C: Tempe | Tyler Mall Cantina (TYLER)


Biocrust Bonanza

Science | All ages

Come learn about the microscopic world of bio-crust and its benefits to soil health and dust prevention.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Pollution to Risk Factors to Pathology

Science | Elementary school & under

Come build a visual model to help understand how pollution is affecting our environment.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Glowing Plant

Science | All ages

Spectators would put on UV-protective eye gear and see green fluorescence on the leaves of our transgenic plants express GFP.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Virtual Reality Look Into the World of Nanotechnology

Science | All ages

Visitors will be able to see 3D rendering of nano-robots that we use for molecular computing and therapy.

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Barcode Biology

Science | All ages

Have you ever wanted to know what makes life on earth so unique? Well, we have! Here at the Kerry Geiler-Samerotte lab we study the material (DNA) that allows cells to look…

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby



Science | All ages

The activity is to show how microfluidic models are used within the lab to study disease. We will have PDMS blocks with tubing going through the models where a child or adult…

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Play Video Games on Console Built From Scratch

Science | All ages

Experience quality gaming with gaming console built from scratch, and be encouraged to build one yourself!

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Bio-Inspired Cybersecurity Research

Science | All ages

Demonstrations of computer viruses and bio-inspired cryptography research

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Where's Wormo?

Science | All ages

A Where's Waldo adventure, but with worms! Test your microscope skills and identify the rolling mutant worms amongst the wild type population!

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB) | Biodesign A or B Lobby


Impact Water Arizona - Water Chatbot

Sustainability | All ages

Get answers to any questions you have about water and drought in Arizona. Impact Water Arizona catalyzes community understanding and engagement in Arizona’s water challenges…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)


Visit the Mechanical Tree

Sustainability | All ages

The Center for Negative Carbon Emissions will host a booth near the mechanical tree site, where an expert will answer your questions about the 40-foot direct air capture…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Mechanical tree - Intersection of E Tyler St. and E Krueger St.


Tour the Center for Negative Carbon Emissions

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Tour the CNCE fab lab, on the first floor of the Walton Center for Planetary Health. Small-group tours every 30 minutes.

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | CNCE Laboratory - Room 142


Carbon Capture Activities and Demonstration

Science | All ages

Learn the science behind CO2 capture with fun and informative activities and demos for all ages and education levels: Fog bubbles, live "cyano-buddies", Rainbow…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)


Water and How it Moves

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Visit the Arizona Water Exhibits to learn how water moves, and how scientists and engineers measure water.

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)


Observe the Electric Power Grid With Minimum Investment

Engineering and Technology | High school & up

This activity is in the form of a computer game that attendees can play. The objective of the game is to select nodes in a given graph such that all other nodes in that graph…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Research Center (ENGRC) | 516


Sense of Place Storytelling

Humanities | All ages

How do you tell a story about a special place? Come learn how to tell a story about place, and why culture and the humanities are important for understanding environmental…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)


Air Devils: AIAA Design/Build/Fly

STEM | High school & up

We plan to display one of our competition planes, where parents and children can ask questions regarding the plane, club, engineering, and ASU overall.

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | n/a


Storytelling for Change

Humanities | All ages

Brain teasers and writing prompts to reflect on the past and the future!

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)


Balancing Buddies With the Society of Women Engineers

STEM | Elementary school & under

Master the science of balance with your very own Balancing Buddy! 💃🕺 Create your own whimsical balancing friend with a few simple supplies. You'll even get to decorate…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center F (ECF) | ECF 120/122 E-Spaces


Come Check Out the Sun Devil Fitness Complex!

Campus Life | All ages

This is an opportunity for everyone to come see what is available to students at the Sun Devil Fitness Complex. This facility has weight rooms, basketball gym spaces, a pool…

Zone C: Tempe | Sun Devil Fitness Complex (SDFCT)


Center for Meteorite Studies: Is Your Rock a Meteorite or "Meteorwrong"?

Science | Elementary school & under

Every meteorite tells a story! The Center for Meteorite Studies is home to one of the largest collection of meteorites on the planet; see and touch real meteorites and meet…

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | Gallery


Marston Exploration Theater - 3D Programs

Science | Middle school

The School of Earth and Space Exploration will showcase research in a singular beyond in the Marston Exploration Theater. Live presentations run throughout ASU Open Door.…

Special start times: 1:15 p.m., 2:15 p.m., 3:15 p.m., 4:15 p.m (subject to change)

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | 185


MobileNEWT - Testbed

Science | Middle school

The MobileNEWT (Nano-Enabled Water Treatment) is a 14X7 feet enclosed trailer on a dual-axle, easily deployed with Nanotechnologies-based water treatment modules. Featuring a…

Zone D: Tempe | Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) | NE Corner


Clay Club Ceramics Sale & Throwing Demos

Arts | All ages

Check out the artwork made by our talented Clay Club members! Browse the collection of bowls, cups, and other ceramic tableware and sculpture, and maybe purchase a unique…

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Plaza


Craft With Clay: Pottery & Figurines!

Arts | Elementary school & under

Join the ASU Art History program and the School of International Letters and Cultures to learn the basics of making clay figurines. The practice was widespread in the ancient…

Zone A: Tempe | Art Building (ART) | 232


Comics & Zines!

Arts | All ages

Explore comic themes and illustrative techniques in this hands-on art activity! Experiment with making your own zine and meet our Faculty Instructor and artist, Turner Davis…

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Neeb Plaza


Working With Wood

Arts | All ages

Stop by the School of Art's Wood Studio for an introduction to the process of woodworking. Watch a demo, check out our equipment, and learn about carving and joinery!

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Plaza


Ask a Student-Artist!

Arts | High school & up

Interested in attending the School of Art or becoming an artist? Meet an undergraduate student in the School of Art and ask them questions about our programs, facilities,…

Zone A: Tempe | Neeb Hall (NEEB) | Neeb Plaza


Chess Club at ASU Open Door 2024 Tabling

Campus Life | All ages

Chess Club at ASU will be tabling at ASU Tempe's Open Door event in 2024. We will be giving out free Chess.com merch along with playing speed chess with Open Door…

Zone C: Tempe | Tyler Mall Cantina (TYLER) | Tyler Mall


FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) at Arizona State University

Engineering and Technology | Elementary school & under

FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) at Arizona State University introduces science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to children ages 4-14 through fun, exciting hands-on…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center F (ECF) | Engineering Center F


Combat Ready Robotics Robo-Rumble

Engineering and Technology | All ages

Come by to talk with our builders about their 3lb, 12lb, and 30lb battlebots! Learn about how they design, fabricate, and refine these bots, and try driving one yourself.…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Patio


Sun Devil Cheme Car Slime

Engineering and Technology | Elementary school & under

Cheme Car which is a multidisciplinary club will be showing a simple reaction of making slime which will represent what we do to make a car that runs simply on a chemical…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | ECG Complex, ECG Patio


School of Complex Adaptive Systems Programs Information Table

Interdisciplinary Studies | All ages

Information Table to discuss the School of Complex Adaptive Systems (SCAS) programs // no activity, but will be the link to activities of Decision Theater on one side and…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Atrium


Build an Embryo with the Center for Biology and Society!

Science | All ages

Learning About Embryology Embryology starts with the study of embryos and their development. It also includes all aspects of reproduction and related health as well.…

Zone B: Tempe | Life Sciences Center A (LSA) | LSA Atrium


Spin-To-Win Wheel of Knowledge!

Social and Behavioral Sciences | Middle school

Come join American Indian Studies where you'll get to learn more about our program and explore Arizona’s Indigenous People. Learn about American Indian games, Tribes,…

Zone A: Tempe | Discovery Hall (DISCVRY) | 281


Why Lizard Skulls are Different?!

Science | All ages

Lizards come in all shapes and sizes and we like to study how this diversity has evolved. Here, you can see and touch 3D printed skulls from different species of spiny…

Zone B: Tempe | Life Sciences Center A (LSA) | LSA 175


Live bugs! With the Social Insect Research Group

Science | All ages

Dive into the captivating world of our Social Insect Research Group, (SIRG)! Explore Arizona's diverse arachnids, aquatic insects, ants, termites, wasps, centipedes, and…

Zone B: Tempe | Life Sciences Center A (LSA) | LSA 165


Snakes ALIVE!

Science | All ages

Come meet the famous snakes of the ASU Life Science Center!

Zone B: Tempe | Life Sciences Center A (LSA) | LSA Atrium


Eye, Eye, Captain!

Science | All ages

Are you interested in learning about some of the weirdest eyes in the Animal Kingdom? Take the eye tour to witness some of the bizarre yet beautiful eyes on the planet. Don’t…

Zone B: Tempe | Life Sciences Center A (LSA) | LSA 175


Creative Coding with Digital Culture Summer Institute

Arts | All ages

Join us to design, print and take home your own colorful abstract image made out of the text and image of your choice. No experience necessary and all are welcome! Learn…

Zone A: Tempe | Design South (CDS) | Design South Gallery


School of Life Sciences Info Tables

Science | High school & up

Stop by to learn more about our School of Life Sciences (SOLS) programs!

Zone B: Tempe | Life Sciences Center C (LSC) | LSC Atrium


Annual Student Photo Contest

Law, Justice and Public Service | All ages

Our students have been to amazing places! Learn and vote on your favorite photos from their travels.

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | COOR East Patio


If I Were President Coloring Activity

Law, Justice and Public Service | All ages

What would you do if they were president? Who would your Vice President be? Brainstorm real world ideas with us at SPGS.

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | COOR East Patio


Kid’s Voting!

Law, Justice and Public Service | All ages

Candidates are running for election! Kids have the opportunity to practice their civic duty and and vote for their favorite option.

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | COOR East Patio


Sun-Powered Science: Exploring Solar Chemistry in Your Community

Science | All ages

Living in Arizona means we are exposed to a lot of sunlight. Understanding sunlight and chemistry helps us to make informed decisions about how to protect ourselves from…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | Bateman PS-F Entryway (South side)


Physics Demo - Rubens Tube

STEM | All ages

The Physics Instructional Resource Team (PIRT) will be conducting Physics demonstration (demo) where a long aluminum tube is filled with propane and ignited to show how…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Shive Oscillators

STEM | All ages

The Physics Instructional Resource Team (PIRT) will be conducting this Physics demonstration (demo) where a large series of wood/metal apparatuses connect together on counter…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Ball and Ring and Bimetallic Strip

STEM | All ages

The Physics Instructional Resource Team (PIRT) will be conducting this Physics demonstrations (demo) where they will be showing Small box of various metals, a blowtorch, and…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

STEM | All ages

The Physics Instructional Resource Team (PIRT) will be conducting this Physics demonstration (demo) where they will be showing a tabletop device which generates an electron…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Jumping Ring

STEM | All ages

The Physics Instructional Resource Team (PIRT) will be conducting this Physics demonstration (demo) where they will show Small tabletop device with liquid nitrogen dewar and…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Simple Electromagnet

STEM | All ages

The Physics Instructional Resource Team (PIRT) will be conducting this Physics demonstration (demo) where a small handheld electromagnet will be powered by a 9V battery. From…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Short a Capacitor

STEM | All ages

The Physics Instructional Resource Team (PIRT) will be conducting this Physics demonstration (demo) where a tabletop power supply is used to create bright electrical arcs on…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Van De Graaf Generator

STEM | All ages

The Physics Instructional Resource Team (PIRT) will be conducting this Physics demonstration (demo) where a tabletop electrostatic generator is used to create large voltages…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Mixing/Unmixing (Couette Cell)

STEM | All ages

The Physics Instructional Resource Team (PIRT) will be conducting this Physics demonstration (demo) where a plexiglass container is filled with corn syrup and dye, then…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Tablecloth Pull

STEM | All ages

The Physics Instructional Resource Team (PIRT) will be conducting this Physics demonstration where items are stacked on a cloth which is rapidly pulled out from under. The…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Bicycle Wheel Precession

STEM | All ages

The Physics Instructional Resource Team (PIRT) will be conducting this Physics demonstration where a Bicycle wheel being spun and hung from a hook tied to the ceiling. From…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Pail of Water on a Greek Waiter

STEM | All ages

In this demonstration (demo) a Glass of water is placed on a small tray and swung over head. The Department of Physics will have various activities and demos 1:00-5:00pm.…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Physics Demo - Nose Crusher

STEM | Middle school

This demonstration (demo) will be a Bowling ball hung from the ceiling will be swung across the lecture room. The Department of Physics will have various activities and demos…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 173


Meow! Growl! Howl! Puppet-Making & Storybook Drama About Animals and Creatures

Arts | Elementary school & under

Create your own animal puppet and act out stories from children’s storybooks! Drop by and choose from a variety of activities, like making a puppet you can keep, reading a…

Zone A: Tempe | Design South (CDS) | Gallery


Biomimicry-in-Action Demo

Science | All ages

What can a kingfisher bird beak teach us about reducing drag? What can we learn from a lotus leaf about self-cleaning surfaces? Join The Biomimicry Center for a short…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH)


Study Language Scientifically - Part II

Humanities | All ages

The study of language will be highlighted in two linguistics activities. First, attendees will grab some candy as they learn about sound formations such as bilabial nasals;…

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN)


Wheel of Communication

Social and Behavioral Sciences | High school & up

Participants spin the wheel of communication, the wheel lands on a color. They then pull a description of skills out of the corresponding colored bucket and guess what class…

Zone A: Tempe | Stauffer Communication Arts A (STAUF) | Building Patio


Wheel of Emojis

Social and Behavioral Sciences | Middle school

Children spin the wheel. The wheel lands on a color. The kids pick a description of the meaning of an emoji out of the bucket with that color. There will be a poster board…

Zone A: Tempe | Stauffer Communication Arts A (STAUF) | Building Patio


Agents of Discovery with Deer Valley Petroglyph Preserve

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Agents of Discovery is an augmented reality app that gets you active and engaged in learning about the world around you. Join the Deer Valley Petroglyph Preserve to download…

Zone A: Tempe | School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC)


Phoenix - Who's Hot and Who's Not

Science | All ages

An exploratory infrared image of the city mounted on poster board.

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Coor Hall Main Floor Patio


AZ Geographic Alliance Map

Science | All ages

The Arizona Geographic Alliance will bring a map with programmable cars.

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Coor Hall Main Floor Patio


See Yourself in IR

Science | All ages

We will set-up an infrared camera on a tripod and take pictures of attendees. We can make images available online, perhaps with an access code or file number for download

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Coor Hall Main Floor Patio


Painting With Heat

Science | All ages

Kids use thermochromic acrylic paints on thick paper line drawings. The picture colors change when they get warmer than room temperature (e.g. in sun)

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Coor Hall Main Floor Patio


Future Sun Devil

Social and Behavioral Sciences | Elementary school & under

The children are asked one question about the various emphasis areas such as organizational communication, health communication, etc. When they answer the question correctly…

Zone A: Tempe | Stauffer Communication Arts A (STAUF) | Courtyard in front of Stauffer Building


Weather Station

Science | All ages

To build weather station, which will include associated measurements demos.

Zone A: Tempe | Coor Hall (COOR) | Coor Hall Main Floor Patio


Visit the Academic Heart of ASU!

Interdisciplinary Studies | Elementary school & under

Stop by Armstrong Hall to visit the home of The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, where you can learn about The College's many programs and win some fun swag!

Zone D: Tempe | Armstrong Hall (ARM) | 1st floor Rotunda


English all around the world

Humanities | All ages

Join Global Launch for some fun games exploring how English is used all over the world. Guaranteed fun and learning for all ages!

Zone B: Tempe | Old Main (MAIN) | Old Main Lawn


Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering- Discovering Engineering

Engineering and Technology | All ages

The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering is the largest and most comprehensive engineering school in the nation, offering 25 undergraduate degree programs, and 48 graduate…

Zone C: Tempe | Engineering Center G (ECG) | Building Patio


Play and Create Together in the School of Social and Family Dynamics

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Come visit the faculty and students from the Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics and engage in a variety of games and activities designed for adults and children of…

Zone B: Tempe | Social Sciences Bldg. (SS) | Atrium in Social Sciences Building


Ambisonic Dome Demonstration

Arts | All ages

Come experience sound like never before! The 5th order Ambisonic Dome at the School of Arts, Media and Engineering is a unique, state- of-the-art space to work with spatial…

Special start times: 1:00p.m., 2:00p.m., 3:00p.m., 4:00p.m.

Zone A: Tempe | Stauffer Communication Arts B (STAUF) | B123


Physics Activity - Electrostatic Rods and Cloths

STEM | Elementary school & under

This Physics activity involves Various rabbit furs and PVC pipes to demonstrate positive and negative charges. The Department of Physics will have various activities and…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Chladni Plates

STEM | High school & up

This physics activity involves Vibrating metal plates with salt placed on top to show different wave patterns. The Department of Physics will have various activities and…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Tibetan Singing Bowls

STEM | All ages

This physics activity involves Moderately sized bowls filled with water to demonstrate vibrations that are created when hitting the bowl with a mallet. The Department of…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Superconductor Track

STEM | High school & up

This physics activity involves a superconductor track with magnetic plates to demonstrate magnetism. The Department of Physics will have various activities and demos 1:00-5:…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Small Superconductors and Magnets

STEM | High school & up

This physics activity involves small magnetic plates of various geometries to demonstrate magnetism. The Department of Physics will have various activities and demos 1:00-5:…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Linear Polarizers

STEM | Elementary school & under

This physics activity involves Small handheld discs with polarizing lenses to show the transmission of light. The Department of Physics will have various activities and demos…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Large Bulb w/ Diffraction Viewers and Color Gels

STEM | All ages

This physics activity involves diffraction viewers and colored gels to learn about color transmission, absorption and filtering of the different wavelengths of light. The…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - IR Camera

STEM | All ages

In this activity, an infrared camera detects the thermal energy or heat emitted by the object being observed and converts it into an electronic signal. The Department of…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Eddy Current Pendulum

STEM | Middle school

This physics activity involves a large magnet with an aluminum pie shaped pendulum apparatus to demonstrate electricity and magnetism. The Department of Physics will have…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Eddy Current Tube

STEM | Middle school

This physics activity involves a magnet being inserted into a Small (7”) copper tube to learn about electricity and magnetism. The Department of Physics will have various…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Musical Coils

STEM | Middle school

This physics activity involves a Small keyboard and speaker attached to a pair of small induction coils used to demonstrate wireless transmission. The Department of Physics…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Van de Graaff Generator

STEM | Middle school

This physics activity involves a Tabletop electrostatic generator used to create large voltages and electrical arcs. The Department of Physics will have various activities…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Gyroscopes

STEM | Elementary school & under

This physics activity involves using gyroscopes to measure velocity and learn how they're used. The Department of Physics will have various activities and demos 1:00-5:…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Center of Mass Birds

STEM | All ages

This physics activity involves small plastic bird toys to demonstrate the point at which the mass of the body of the bird is perfectly balanced. The Department of Physics…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Physics Activity - Wobble Tops

STEM | Elementary school & under

This physics activity involves small tops of various shapes. The Department of Physics will have various activities and demos 1:00-5:00pm. From 1:00pm-4:00pm there will be…

Zone C: Tempe | Bateman Physical Sciences Center F (PSF) | 186


Gallery of Human Origins

Science | All ages

The history of our past begins over 7 million years ago! View a timeline of human evolution showing what species were living, what technological and biological changes were…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Marston Education Gallery for Human Origins #200L2


See the Jane Goodall Institute Gombe Chimpanzee Archive!

Science | All ages

In 2022, the Institute of Human Origins became the steward for the Jane Goodall Institute Gombe Chimpanzee Research Archive—over 60 years of handwritten observations of…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | 210


Stone Tools and Flintknapping!

Science | All ages

Learn about the ancient technologies that human ancestors used for millions of years. There will be flintknapping demonstrations, which is the process of manufacturing blades…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | 128


Discover Fossils and Explore Our Human Past!

Science | All ages

How did we "become human?" The Institute of Human Origins opens its "vault" for you to see and touch skulls and bones (casts) from different phases of…

Zone D: Tempe | Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) | Second floor


Ancient Tools and Twine

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Take a step back in time to experience using some of the first tools created, including stone drills, and learn about making twine from natural materials.

Zone A: Tempe | School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC)


Arctic Eco-Chains

Sustainability | All ages

Learn about food chains and life in the Arctic through a fun game of "Eco-Chains." You will not only learn about some of the important animals that make up the…

Zone A: Tempe | School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC)


Artifacts of the Aché

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

The Aché are an indigenous community of nomadic people from the eastern parts of Paraguay. A hunter-gatherer society, they depend entirely on the forest for their survival.…

Zone A: Tempe | School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC)


Learning Healthy Habits

Health and Wellness | Elementary school & under

Join the Center for Global Health to learn about the importance of healthy habits, such as washing your hands, eating healthy and moving your body, through fun coloring…

Zone A: Tempe | School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC)


Visit Teotihuacán

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

You don't have to travel all of the way to Mexico to visit Teotihuacán, an ancient and architecturally significant city. The Teotihuacán Research Laboratory invites…

Zone A: Tempe | School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC) | SHESC 104


What's Your Sign? (According to the Maya!)

Social and Behavioral Sciences | All ages

Learn about the Maya calendar and the special attributes they believe you hold based on the date of your birth.

Zone A: Tempe | School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC)



Science | All ages

Come to Biodesign to make your own custom slime to take home with you!

Zone D: Tempe | Biodesign Institute Bldg B (BDB)